Easy 1-2-3 Pool Care
Easy 1-2-3 Pool Care
May 28, 2015
A green swimming pool is caused by green algae, the most common type of algae to plague pool owners. Other pool problems are mustard algae—it looks like yellowish or brownish slime on the sides and bottom. A little rarer is black algae, which is the toughest to eliminate. They will coat the wall, and require scrubbing with […]
March 26, 2015
In this episode of Designing Spaces, we’re taking care of home and property for the sole purpose of being able to live the good life. First, we go out to the pool where the strong smell of chlorine is not very inviting. With the help of a pool expert, the problem is solved. Next, we […]
March 26, 2015
Melia has a problem. Her clear and clean swimming pool smells strongly of chlorine, and her young daughter will be taking swimming lessons soon. How can she eliminate the problem? Designing Spaces brought in Rebecca, New Products Manager for the Clorox® Pool&Spa™ brand to show Melia some simple pool care tips. As part of a […]