Smartly Connected Home Makeover
Smartly Connected Home Makeover
June 1, 2018
Tech expert Jacques Slade sits down with Miami couple Juan and Sandra Andreu, who describe how a burglary of Juan's car right in their driveway prompted them to enhance their security with Xfinity Home from Comcast.
May 31, 2018
One of the great benefits of Xfinity® Home is that you can customize your system to fit your family's needs.
May 29, 2018
Xfinity® Home from Comcast sponsors a smart home makeover with the company's latest innovations in automated devices, which keeps homes secure and connected.
November 16, 2017
ADT is back for another valuable security tip regarding its innovative Pulse system. Thanks to the power of ADT Pulse, the days of leaving a key under the mat or having to reveal your alarm code to allow people to enter your home are over. The smart technology of ADT Pulse allows you to arm […]