Going away to college doesn’t have to be stressful. On today’s show, you’ll discover find amazing tips you need to know when going off to college. First, you need a loan. We have Citizens Bank to discuss options for securing an affordable student loan. Once you secure your loan, it’s time to move in to your dorm. What’s more stressful than moving? We have Sophia Hutchinson, Program Manager for U-Haul International’s Collegeboxes, to explain service for college students going to or coming from school to help make the process simple and stress free. Once you move into college, you have to get organized. Tiny dorm rooms can make that difficult but Trinity International Industries, an eco-friendly storage and organization company is here with ways to organize that are efficient, cost effective, and even eco-friendly! Finally keep your belongings safe with the latest in home invasion protection thanks to Loyal International.
Kids Spaces
July 13, 2017