Joining Art for our Military Makeover is Bob Mosbaugh, managing director at LH Licensed Products, Inc., with a pair of great items to add to the Keefe household—a long gun safe and a waterproof fire file box. Bob explains why long gun safes are important for storing firearms, “When you consider there are almost 600 accidental gun deaths a year, and over 100 of them are under the age of 18, you realize how important it is to keep any firearm stored safely, especially if there are minors in the household.” For other valuables in the household, such as documents, Bob presents the Keefe home with a Model 1106 Waterproof Fire File Box safe. It’s compact, so you can place it anywhere in the house. He recommends a good place for it would be inside the Long Gun Safe. It is fire resistant and waterproof. Bob finalizes his presentation with a heartfelt comment about Robert Keefe and family, “We are proud to gives these safes to a wounded soldier who served his country. We want the best security and happiness.”
June 5, 2015
Firearm Safety with Gun Safes from Honeywell Safes
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