Kathryn Kellogg Johnson, vice president of Organic Laboratories, Inc. sets the tone with a statement on the value of organic gardening. Michael Meier, an urban farmer at Groundfloor Farms, gives us a tour of an urban farm where everything is grown organically, on a small scale, for sale to a local market. Part of the farming regimen includes methods of eliminating insect pests. One of the pest control tools is Organocide® 3-in-1 Garden Spray. Michael visits the backyard vegetable garden of Kaitlyn, who is having trouble with pests attacking her vegetable garden.
She does not want to resort to harsh, toxic pesticides, preferring to go the organic route. Michael recommends the Organocide® 3-in-1 Garden Spray and gives tips on when to use it for maximum benefits. The Organocide is not toxic to animals, but suffocates small sucking insects like aphids and mites. Beneficial insects are not harmed. Organic gardening can be productive when the grower uses the right tools!