Today’s episode of Designing Spaces is all about keeping you and your loved ones safe.
First, we visit expectant mom Tiffany, who is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her baby daughter in a few short weeks. While she decorates the nursery, she realizes she wants to know to create a safe sleep environment for the newest member of her family. Tragically, an unsafe sleep environment leads to many deaths each year.
Bridget Gaussa from Cribs for Kids visits Tiffany’s home to discuss the latest safety recommendations for a baby’s sleep time, including the importance of putting babies on their backs. Thanks to their newest creation, the Cribette, Cribs for Kids is reinforce the importance of putting babies on their backs for a healthy and safe night of sleep.
Then, we go to the kitchen to discuss fire safety: Unattended fires are the number one cause of all residential fires by a large margin. Now there’s a product – the StoveTop FireStop — that can put out a fire before a stove top fire can burn out of control. Carter from StoveTop FireStop shows one firefighter how this product can automatically put out a cooking fire with the use of a canister of fine powder.
Then come along as we join Master Water Specialist John Woodard from Fresh Water Systems to discover the best way to treat your home’s water at the point of entry to give your family a much-needed layer of protection to insure safer, better tasting water — right from your faucet. John visits the Bridwells in South Carolina and helps implement a whole-home water treatment system.